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Cleaning and Hygiene Advice

Consensus has been around for over 20 years and has a team of professionals with more than 75 years of knowledge and expertise in the cleaning and hygiene industry. We have in-house knowledge of the latest technological developments and the application of resources and products. Not only in the Netherlands or Europe, but worldwide we have a network of leading partners in our field. We analyze the problem, advise the solution and realize projects with the desired result. With application and knowledge of the latest developments and innovations. With our services we contribute to the realization of your strategic and operational objectives and we provide sustainable and circular solutions. Of course we do this carefully and always together with you as a client. We see your cleaning and hygiene problem as a challenge. A challenge to find the best, most sustainable but also innovative solutions for you, which reduce your total cost of ownership and ensure that your problem today is the solution for tomorrow.

Looking for a solution

to your facility issue? 

Consensus Facility Services is ready

to help you find tailored solutions.

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